Heat Results

Heat Type

15L League Race

Win By



6/29/2020 7:11 PM



Heat Winner: RacerBones
Best Lap17.775 # of Laps15 Gap from Leader- Average Lap18.445
ProSkill SCORE3360 This Round +/- 121
2nd Place: RacerGandu
Best Lap17.773 # of Laps15 Gap from Leader0.642 Average Lap18.454
ProSkill SCORE3995 This Round +/- -8
3rd Place: RacerSletten
Best Lap17.773 # of Laps15 Gap from Leader1.352 Average Lap18.664
ProSkill SCORE2427 This Round +/- 105
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 tyler2474 17.855 1.989 15 18.457 2071
5 Aaron 17.82 10.572 15 19.179 2737
6 BrainStorm 18.306 12.001 15 19.311 2618
7 t-roy 17.805 13.218 15 19.296 3448
8 Gradaddy 18.909 18.757 15 19.575 1208
9 Jacob Levesque 18.018 27.604 15 20.206 1632

Lap Times by Racer

(Penalties: 0)
120.002 [6]
219.789 [7]
318.547 [6]
418.763 [2]
518.108 [2]
617.969 [2]
717.931 [2]
818.361 [1]
918.559 [1]
1018 [1]
1117.892 [1]
1218.033 [1]
1319.157 [2]
1417.933 [2]
1517.773 [2]
(Penalties: 0)
119.627 [5]
219.368 [4]
318.134 [4]
431.274 [9]
520.334 [9]
618.152 [9]
717.996 [9]
817.805 [9]
918.622 [9]
1017.93 [9]
1118 [9]
1217.839 [9]
1317.957 [8]
1417.851 [8]
1518.547 [7]
Jacob Levesque
(Penalties: 0)
119.927 [7]
219.083 [6]
319.012 [7]
420.32 [6]
519.344 [6]
618.018 [6]
718.883 [6]
819.337 [6]
920.582 [7]
1019.953 [7]
1118.867 [7]
1219.053 [7]
1318.052 [7]
1418.729 [7]
1533.933 [9]
(Penalties: 0)
120.115 [3]
220.029 [5]
318.116 [5]
421.915 [7]
519.78 [7]
618.271 [7]
718.181 [7]
819.368 [7]
919.57 [6]
1020.508 [6]
1118.721 [6]
1219.087 [6]
1317.88 [6]
1418.326 [5]
1517.82 [5]
(Penalties: 0)
119.88 [4]
219.14 [3]
318.225 [3]
420.963 [3]
517.987 [3]
617.827 [3]
718.003 [3]
818.188 [2]
918.676 [2]
1017.853 [2]
1117.881 [2]
1218.134 [2]
1318.357 [1]
1417.791 [1]
1517.775 [1]
(Penalties: 0)
120.243 [2]
219.601 [2]
318.306 [2]
421.903 [5]
519.267 [5]
618.381 [5]
718.712 [5]
819.668 [5]
919.743 [5]
1020.411 [5]
1118.757 [5]
1218.619 [5]
1318.337 [5]
1419.207 [6]
1518.508 [6]
(Penalties: 0)
120.794 [1]
219.025 [1]
318.553 [1]
418.537 [1]
518.557 [1]
618.565 [1]
718.825 [1]
819.395 [3]
918.947 [3]
1018.141 [3]
1117.773 [3]
1217.988 [3]
1318.87 [3]
1418.082 [3]
1517.909 [3]
(Penalties: 0)
119.902 [8]
218.878 [8]
319.062 [8]
419.275 [4]
518.258 [4]
618.077 [4]
717.875 [4]
817.855 [4]
918.522 [4]
1018.27 [4]
1117.918 [4]
1218.172 [4]
1318.861 [4]
1418.066 [4]
1517.87 [4]
(Penalties: 0)
120.779 [9]
219.038 [9]
319.002 [9]
419.637 [8]
520.192 [8]
619.044 [8]
719.444 [8]
818.943 [8]
919.613 [8]
1019.106 [8]
1119.04 [8]
1218.909 [8]
1319.304 [9]
1420.824 [9]
1520.755 [8]